Tuesday, December 06, 2005

designer what?!

so i was on my way to a meeting this weekend, and heard an advertisement on the radio for a new kind of toilet paper.

yes toilet paper. and i was struck by the ridiculousness of it all.

you see, we have quilted, one-ply, two-ply, different colors, different patterns... the list goes on. there are people out there who actually spend their working lives developing new kinds of toilet paper - indeed, the advertisement was explaining how this kind was for some reason so much better than the other kinds currently available.

i just had to stop for a minute.

our nation is so wealthy. we're so wealthy, that we don't even know what poverty is. even those who have been displaced by the recent hurricane have more than those in some other nations can even dream of.

why is it so difficult for us to be generous? why do we hold so tightly to the things that we have? why do we buy designer toilet paper, when we could simplify our lives and have more to give?

God forgive us.


Anonymous said...

It's places like this site that make our nation evil:


kaleidoscope said...


Anonymous said...

This is not a joke:


kaleidoscope said...

oh my word... you've GOT to be kidding me! how do you find these things?

Anonymous said...

Ya know... just because you have exams, doesn't mean that you can go eight days without updating!